Jessica Adolph

Executive Assistant

Jessica is the newest addition to Heritage Wealth, bringing a sense of creativity to the table. As the owner of a small art business, she has learned how to make something from nothing and is always seeking to acquire more knowledge. With a background in design, business management and client care, she strives to always elevate a client’s experience through words and visually pleasing aesthetics while going above and beyond with the task at hand. She has joined us to assist in financial services, marketing, admin tasks and to bring to life any client facing material. Jessica is excited to have started her career in wealth management at Heritage, absorbing the wisdom of the masters surrounding her as well as discovering what route in this industry she would like to pursue.

If she’s not helping at the office or watching historical dramas, she’s probably spending time between the trees to gather inspiration for what next to create in her studio. Because Jessica values the feelings of those around her while making them feel heard and understood, we are excited to see how she translates that into our industry as that is the core of what we stand for here at Heritage Wealth Management Group.

Margie Tekamp